Treatment for Parents
& Families

Parent and Family Therapy is a specific type of therapy that can be beneficial in exploring the root causes of conflict between two or more people. This type of therapy also focuses on improving communication skills so relationships can heal and grow.

Uniquely, we service many parents/families in which one or more individuals are struggling with significant symptoms of a mental disorder; treatment may therefore involve multiple clinicians delivering both individual psychotherapy, as well as parent/family therapy.

Primary goals of our Parent/Family Therapy Program include:

Disarming conflicting verbal communications

Developing conflict resolution skills

Breaking unhealthy behavior cycles

Creating a heightened sense of empathy and understanding

As with all our treatments, our Parent/Family Therapy services tend to be brief, and solution-focused, with specific attainable goals. Our experienced and dedicated team can help you repair and strengthen familial bonds that have been impacted over time.

“My purpose for serving parents and families stems from understanding humans are social, so our relationships and mental wellness are intertwined. Reaching relational wellness has a direct impact on our psychological and emotional wellness, and it is possible to achieve.”

Noah Hercky, Director of Parent and Family Therapy Program

Some of Our Approaches To Treatment*

Multisystemic Therapy (MST)

MST is designed for families with teens facing behavioral or emotional challenges by addressing influences across systems like home, school, and community. This approach fosters collaboration among all parties to create lasting, positive changes.

Strategic Family Therapy (SFT)

SFT focuses on solving specific family issues by assigning tasks or “homework” that encourage behavioral changes and help resolve conflicts effectively. This approach helps families develop practical strategies to improve communication and relationships.

Ecosystemic Structural Family Therapy (ESFT)

ESFT is a treatment for children and families experiencing behavioral or relational challenges and is based on the theory that change in family structure contributes to change in the behavior of individual members.

*Approaches to treatment are based on clinical evaluation and may include specific therapies not listed. Treatments are not limited to these examples.

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Our Locations



200 W 57th St, Ste 1008
New York, NY 10019

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26 Court St, Ste 1808
Brooklyn, NY 11242

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We offer virtual therapy in 42+ states.

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Rockland County

222 Route 59
Suffern, NY 10901

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575 Boylston St
Boston, MA 02116

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